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Modern Slavery Act Statement

At MarkJames Search, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all aspects of our operations, including our approach to tackling modern-day slavery and human trafficking. We recognize that these heinous crimes persist in various forms around the world, and we are dedicated to playing our part in combatting them.

1. Commitment to Compliance: We adhere strictly to all applicable laws and regulations related to modern-day slavery and human trafficking in every jurisdiction in which we operate. This includes but is not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in the United Kingdom and relevant laws in other countries.

2. Accountability: Responsibility for our anti-slavery initiatives rests with our entire organization, from senior management to every individual employee. We ensure that our policies and procedures are effectively implemented and regularly reviewed to identify and mitigate any potential risks of modern-day slavery within our operations and supply chains.

3. Supply Chain Transparency: We expect the same high standards from our suppliers and business partners. We conduct thorough due diligence to assess the risk of modern-day slavery in our supply chains, and we work closely with suppliers to ensure they adhere to our values and principles. We prioritize partnerships with suppliers who share our commitment to ethical business practices.

4. Employee Training and Awareness: We provide comprehensive training and resources to all employees to raise awareness of the signs of modern-day slavery and human trafficking. This empowers our team members to identify and report any suspicions or concerns promptly, ensuring swift action can be taken to address potential risks.

5. Reporting Mechanisms: We maintain robust reporting mechanisms to enable employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders to raise concerns confidentially and without fear of reprisal. Reports of suspected modern-day slavery or human trafficking are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate corrective actions are taken swiftly.

6. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our anti-slavery efforts through ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and collaboration with relevant stakeholders. We regularly review our policies, procedures, and practices to identify opportunities for enhancement and adaptation to evolving challenges.

7. Communication and Transparency: We communicate openly and transparently with all stakeholders about our efforts to combat modern-day slavery and human trafficking. We believe that transparency fosters accountability and trust, and we are committed to sharing our progress and challenges openly.

At MarkJames Search, we recognize that eradicating modern-day slavery and human trafficking requires collective action and unwavering commitment. We are proud to stand at the forefront of this critical issue and remain steadfast in our dedication to driving positive change within our organization and beyond.